As you’ll be aware, JobKeeper 2.0 Extension 1 for the period 28th September 2020 to 3rd January 2021 has now finished.
It is now time to determine your eligibility for the JobKeeper 2.0 Extension 2, commencing 4th January 2021 and running through to 28th March 2021.
To be eligible for JK 2.0 Extension 2, you need to again pass a >30% reduction in revenue test, this time based on past BASs lodged, comparing the quarter ending 31 December 2020 with the quarter ending 31 December 2019.
Please note if you do not pass the >30% reduction in revenue test, you may be able to use an alternate method to determine your eligibility.
If the >30% revenue reduction test is passed, there are new rates for JobKeeper 2.0 Extension 2 that apply:
If you worked >80 hours in the 4 weeks to either of 29.2.20 or 30.6.20, you will be entitled to the Tier 1 payment of $1,000
If you worked <80 hours in the 4 weeks to either of 29.2.20 or 30.6.20, you will be entitled to the Tier 2 payment of $650
If you are eligible for JobKeeper 2.0 Extension 2, you must enrol with the ATO by 31 January 2021, and ensure that you have topped up any eligible employee wages for FN21 & FN22 by 31 January 2021.
If you would like us to conduct your eligibility testing, or if you have any questions at all, please let your Client Manager know.
No Longer Eligible for JobKeeper
If your turnover has decreased by <30%, or in fact increased, you are not eligible for JobKeeper 2.0 Extension 2 for the period 4.1.21 to 28.3.21.
Your final claim for JK 2.0 will be for FN20, ending 3.1.21.
You will now need to “Finish” your employees for JobKeeper in your accounting software
This will advise the ATO that you are no longer eligible for JobKeeper
Please do this in a payrun BEFORE 31.1.21
If you have any questions in relation to JobKeeper at all, please contact your Client Manager, who will happily help you.
